Free Short Story: Learning to Dance by Annette Gisby

Learning to Dance
by Annette Gisby
M/M Erotica/BDSM
Free download from smashwords | allromance

Written for the Love Has no Boundaries Event at M/M Romance Group on goodreads.

Photo Description Used: A dark-haired young man stands in the center of a summer street scene. He wears a studded black leather harness and collar, fingerless black gloves, and black chaps that lace down the sides, and holds a green shopping bag. His hair has been gelled into spikes, and the fringe in the back is dyed a streaky blond. Hanging from the back of the harness is a red leather bear wearing a small black leather harness.

Dear Author,

I found him over on last October, and I’ve been wondering about him ever since. I get the feeling that our ‘bold and brazen’ here is actually a front for someone who’s a little lost, a little alone, and needs someone to trust. Can you give him a top to protect him? I think he needs one. Also, that bear is incredibly important to him-I don’t know why, but I do know he loves it.


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