Guest Post: Forcing Representation
by Keelan Ellis
I got about halfway through my current work in progress before I realized that there is not one single woman in the entire book that has more than two lines. This has never happened to me. Not because I make a point of putting women into my work, but because it has always come naturally. There are women in the world, so of course there would be women interacting with my characters. I’ve written BFFs, ex-wives, bosses and daughters. My women characters are among my favorites. In this one, however, the characters inhabit spaces that are very much male dominated, and even more so during the time period I’m writing about. I had to stop in the middle of what I was doing and make a decision about how much this bothered me. I had to think about it, if only to examine my own motivations.
First, I thought about how that’s going to make this book different from other things I’ve written. I like to write scenes where men interact with women, because I know the rhythms of those conversations. A book where all of the meaningful interactions are between men seems like it could be a challenge for me, except that I had already written quite a bit before I even realized what was happening.
Next, I thought about why I write MM in the first place. It’s certainly not because I dislike other women. I write it because it speaks to me, and most of all because it allows me to explore romantic themes without having to grapple with the gender dynamic that is unavoidable in MF romance. Even if a woman is not the focus of a book, I still like to see woman represented. So was I really going to write an entire book that’s just about guys?
After some soul searching, I came to the conclusion that I was okay with it. Others might take issue with it, and that’s fine. I would understand. At the same time, I wasn’t interested in writing a token character. If this story is developing organically without any major female characters that make sense, then I guess that’s the story I’m writing. That said, I’m kind of hoping someone presents herself to me and asks to be included in this book. I’m keeping my eye out for her.
Title: Good Boys
Series: The Solomon Series, Book One
Author: Keelan Ellis
Genre: Gay Fiction, Detective, Mystery
Length: Novel
Publisher: Wayward Ink Publishing
Paul Solomon is a homicide detective in Baltimore, a city with a high murder rate and a complicated relationship between the police and the citizens they are sworn to protect.He’s also a gay man who has been out on the job since he first joined. Being out on a tough police force hasn’t always been easy, but living with integrity is important to him.
Paul’s love life becomes as tumultuous as his job with the demise of his relationship of eight years. While dealing with the emotional and physical upheaval in his personal life, a case comes across his desk that hits a little too close to home—the murder of two gay teenagers.
Paul and his partner, Tim Cullen, must solve the double homicide, and Paul has to find a way to move on from his failed relationship.

Buy Links
WIP: http://www.waywardinkpublishing.com/product/good-boys-by-keelan-ellis/ARe: https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-goodboys-2087687-149.html
Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/Good-Boys-Solomon-Mysteries-Book-ebook/dp/B01KK7EKQ2/
Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Good-Boys-Solomon-Mysteries-Book-ebook/dp/B01KK7EKQ2/
Amazon AU: https://www.amazon.com.au/Good-Boys-Solomon-Mysteries-Book-ebook/dp/B01KK7EKQ2/
Amazon DE: https://www.amazon.de/Good-Boys-Solomon-Mysteries-Book-ebook/dp/B01KK7EKQ2/
Book Trailer
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About the author
KEELAN ELLIS is an east coast girl for life, a progressive, a lover of music and musicians, a mother of two very challenging girls, a loyal though sometimes thoughtless friend, a slacker, a dreamer and a bad influence. She likes true crime podcasts, great television and expensive craft cocktails made by hipsters in silly vests.KEELAN ELLIS can be found at:
Website: keelanellis.blogspot.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004482857209
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KeelanEllisAuth
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